“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” 2 Peter 3:18
The following “Foundations Series” includes 14 discipleship guides each focused on biblical topics that are meant to help students grow in their love for God and love for others.
Discipleship Guide Homework & Additional Resources:
Comprised in each discipleship guide are two points of focus: moment of shepherding & lifestyle building block. The moment of shepherding is the relational portion of the guide where you discuss how God’s Word might directly apply to your student’s life. The lifestyle building block is the practical action step for you student(s) to begin living out in obedience to God’s Word.
First Time Together:
1 - What is discipleship?
Moment of Shepherding: Enjoy time in fellowship with your student(s)!
Introduction to God:
2 - Who is God?
Moment of Shepherding: Spend time helping your student(s) dwell on who our living and true God is and realizing how their knowledge/belief in who He is can and will change their life.
Lifestyle Building Block: Encourage your student(s) to consider the question “what does what I just read teach me about who God is?” every time they read the Bible moving forward as a means to help them grow in their knowledge of God.
The Gospel:
3 - What is the Gospel?
Moment of Shepherding: Reinforce the good news of Jesus in the student's heart by building their own, easy to remember, gospel definition they can use to share with their friends and remind themselves of daily.
Lifestyle Building Block: Have your student(s) put their newly formed gospel definition in their Bible for regular reference.
4 - Gospel Saving
Moment of Shepherding: Address and pray through any doubts/questions your student(s) might have about their security in relationship with God.
5 - Gospel Living
Moment of Shepherding: Highlight areas in your student(s) life that God has sanctified them in through their putting off sin and putting on holiness. Put the student's roadmap of change (for however long they have been saved) in front of them to see and hear how God wants to continue to bring change to their life.
Lifestyle Building Block: Provide your student(s) with the book “Gospel Primer” by Milton Vincent (we will provide these as a student(s) ministry for you – just ask for a copy when you get to this discipleship guide). Encourage the student(s) to read through the short devotionals on a regular basis that fits their schedule.
6 - Gospel Testimony
Moment of Shepherding: Have your student practice sharing their testimony to help prepare and equip them for organic gospel conversations with their friends and family about the the good news of Jesus.
Lifestyle Building Block: Share your testimony to others in your life when God provides opportunity. It is an opportunity to glorify God for the work that He has and is doing in your life.
Moment of Shepherding: Identify areas in your student's life they feel insecure in who they are and speak into those areas with the truth of who God says we are in hope to equip them to cling to God's voice over the worlds whenever they face lies about their identity in the world.
Lifestyle Building Block: Talk to the student(s) about how their identity in Christ can provide a super-natural security in the context of our life.
8 - Gospel Sharing
Moment of Shepherding: Discuss practical areas of coaching for what it looks like to live an evangelistic lifestyle as a follower of Jesus in their schools and homes. Also, identify 2 people in your student's life whom they can begin praying for, building a relationship with, and pursing gospel conversations with.
Lifestyle Building Block: Relationally pursue, pray for, and share the gospel with the 2 people your student(s) wrote down starting today.
Relationship with God:
9 - Why Read the Bible?
Moment of Shepherding: Help your student(s) see how God speaks into their life through His Word on a regular basis to help lead them in life and godliness.
Lifestyle Building Block: As His sheep, we listen to God’s voice by being in His word. Encourage your student(s) to begin reading God’s word in anticipation and focus that He is about to tell them something.
10 - How to Read the Bible
Moment of Shepherding: Walk through practical tools for the student(s) to develop healthy spiritual habits of fruitful time with the Lord in His Word.
Lifestyle Building Block: Help your student(s) develop a plan to spend intentional time with the Lord from today forward.
11 - Why Pray?
Moment of Shepherding: Help your student(s) understand the impact prayer can have on their life and allow scripture to increase their desire for communion with God in prayer as they understand its benefits for their life and relationship with God.
Lifestyle Building Block: Have your student(s) start praying regularly through a prayer model such as A.C.T.S. (found in resources sheet below) and watching for God's answers to their prayers.
12 - How to Pray
Moment of Shepherding: Helping the student(s) to see how they can practically grow in the different areas of prayer, encouraging them to use prayer in specifics way in their life.
Attributes of God:
*Pick 2 of the following guides that best meet your student(s) where he/she is at.
Moment of Shepherding: Helping the student(s) see how deepening their trust in the following attributes of God will change the way they think, live, and view themselves.